407 456 1066
Pawfection dog Training
About us

When you are choosing a dog trainer, experience counts for everything,
Dogs are puzzles, each piece representing a different "need" all of which have to be present to provide the perfect picture of a well balanced dog in a happy family. Love, Leadership, Education, Nutrition, Exercise, Mental stimulation, and pack bonding are the uniquely shaped pieces that properly arranged give you that ideal image of dog ownership. We at Pawfection are uniquely qualified to guide you in shaping each of those puzzle parts to create your masterpiece!
In the United States there is no central governing body for dog trainers and therefore no quality control, in short anyone can set themselves up as a dog trainer with little knowledge, no experience and a worthless diploma and these are the "trainers" who lack the ability to shape the pieces with the skill and precision needed.
Look at the "about us" pages of the other trainers out there and you will be shocked to see what little experience they actually have! Watching every episode of the dog whisperer, reading a book or training their own dogs with the help of you tube really doesn't cut it.
The opportunities for so called trainers to “milk” your bank account with numerous training sessions are plenty and do you really know who you are letting into your home with you? Read the internet bios, but read beyond “I have always loved dogs” and “Graduate of the John DOA school for dog trainers in upstate Barkaloopy” Schools for dog trainers aren’t regulated either so this is often the blind leading the incompetent.
When it comes to dog training beware those second-rate amateurs giving third rate service. A “life- long love of dogs” or some belief of a “natural ability” or “gift” with dogs does not make people dog trainers just as a love of driving doesn’t qualify you as a mechanic. Would you let someone who has always changed light bulbs rewire your house? Don’t trust the under qualified & inexperienced with your furry family member because the mistakes they make now will be paid for by you for the next 10 years in money, time and emotional heartache.
Call us today, trust our experience and ability and enjoy the rest of your dog’s life with you.

Amy Kaufeldt from fox 35 visiting our schools program at Crooms Academy
TV Celebrity Dog trainer, Police K9 handler and Supervisor & Owner and founder of Pawfection Dog Training on 2 Continents
Featured on and in partnership with I Heart radio (The Jim Colbert show, the Philips Phile, Monsters in the morning and The News Junkie), 96.9 the Game, CBS, FOX 35, The daily Buzz show, 20th Century Fox, Channel 6, Channel 9, Good Morning Orlando, Florida home and Garden show (keynote speaker), NTOA (National Tactical Officer’s (SWAT) Association – Keynote speaker), City of Winter Springs (Consultant trainer) No dog trainer in the Country has been featured on more TV and radio networks.
Police K9 Supervisor, Bomb detection specialist, International lecturer, K9 tactical advisor to Government and Royalty, High Court expert witness, and Certificated and qualified pet dog behaviorist with 100% success rate with over 30,000 dogs Darryl Payne, isn’t just good at what he does, he is one of the best at what he does. One of the most experienced dog handlers and trainers in the world and the most experienced in the State of Florida you can absolutely rely on him to fix your canine problems or train your dog.
A retired Police K9 handler and supervisor Darryl Payne has worked and supervised a huge variety of Law Enforcement dogs through several detection disciplines, general patrol and human scent detection, bomb and narcotics detection, weapon recovery, human remains detection and SWAT team K9 support. He is a professional dog handler and trainer certified by the British Government and has personally trained over 30,000 working and pet dogs in a 30 year canine career.
Darryl was previously the Tactical canine support advisor for London, had responsibility for the welfare, efficiency and deployment of over 300 General purpose Police dogs in Britain’s Capital and 50 Explosive detection support dogs in the largest dedicated explosives detection unit in the world where the safety of the Royal Family, Government and the public were his primary concern.
Darryl is an accredited International lecturer on the tactical use of canine for Law enforcement, Dog Law, pet dog behavior and socialization & development of puppies both as pets and potential working dogs. He is also one of the most experienced and successful trainers in the world in dealing with severe aggression related issues. Darryl regularly speaks at schools and clubs on the issue of dog safety for children and works with the Animal care societies and local government in the promotion of responsible dog ownership and dangerous dog control issues.
Darryl’s expertise is second to none and he succeeds where other trainers have failed – if there is a solution he will find it.
Darryl has competed and judged professionally in dog trials, for working, agility and obedience and maintains above all the need for pet dogs to be loved, cared for and included family members who respect their owners wishes and have clear boundaries through effective leadership.
Darryl works free of charge with rescue homes and shelters to re-home and rehabilitate dogs that have had a difficult start in life and regularly works with hearing dogs and disability assistance dogs
Darryl is currently training Search dogs in air scent disciplines to detect firearms in schools as part of a community outreach project to reduce school shootings as well as therapy dogs to support both private and public schools and pet dogs in obedience and agility.
Pawfection is passionate about community and our highly trained therapy dogs provide 10,000 hours a year care in community good causes in and around Orlando FREE OF ANY CHARGE!
Our therapy dogs currently work with over 70 local charities and organizations, Pawfection standards and training are unmatched by ANY other organizations and as such our teams are trusted by organizations such as Disney's Make a Wish, Orange and Osceola County Fire and Rescue, Seminole County Sheriffs Department, The Military Veterans Affairs Association and many more who don't trust other less qualified therapy groups who have lower training standards.
Darryl believes that there is no dog that is “un-trainable” because of behavioral issues and has proven time and again that Pawfection’s non-physical method of training is the best system in the world for re-programming “problem” dogs and turning them back into happy, settled family pets.
He believes that training should be fun, real and relevant and should give YOU all the skills and knowledge to establish and maintain a safe, responsible and enjoyable furry partnership so you don’t need a trainer anymore.
Darryl is the first choice for over 30 Veterinarians on two continents, he is Police checked and fully insured.
Qualifications and memberships past and present. –
Darryl Payne​
Police Long service & good conduct Medal
Queens Golden Jubilee Medal
See below for full description of associations.
Certified dog trainer
Certified Dog Behaviorist
Consultant trainer for Fox 35 Orlando, CBS, I Heart Radio, Real Radio 104.1
Certified Police K9 handler (Patrol & Explosives detection)
Certified Police K9 Supervisor (Patrol, explosives, Narcotics)
Working dog efficiency & Quality assurance examiner
Working dog trials Judge
High Court K9 Expert witness
International Lecturer (Tactical use of K9 for SWAT)
Owner Pawfection Dog Training UK (until 2010)
Owner Pawfection Dog Training LLC USA (Current)
Tactical K9 Advisor for British Royal family & British Government
International lecturer – (Dog safety / Owner obligations and responsibilities)
Service Dog Trainer
Service Dog examiner/ evaluator
Self defense & defensive weapons Instructor
Vet recommended & Approved
28 years dog training and handling experience

IACP (International Association of Canine Professionals-USA) Professional member #3779
BIPDT (British Institute of Professional Dog Trainers) Professional member # 152/10
BPSCA (British Police & Services Canine Association)
IPWDA (International Police working Dog Association)
LSO (licensed search Officer – Counter terrorism) Tactical K9 advisor and search coordinator
lecturer for National Tactical Officers association SWAT Commanders course. Denver 2004
Make Pawfection the first choice for you and your dog, because the decisions you make now will shape the next 12 years of your and your dog’s life…