407 456 1066
Pawfection dog Training
Group Training
Shane Kelley Bark Park Oviedo
Central Winds Park location currently closed
SHANE KELLY Bark Park Oviedo
(Enter from Lockwood Blvd) next to the Shane Kelly Bark Park 32765 ... Use Google maps
CENTRAL WINDS PARK Winter Springs (currently under renovation)
Hicks Avenue, Winter Springs 32708 (next to the Hound ground dog park)

Pawfection group dog training combines obedience with agility.

Pioneers in this “blended” training Pawfection leads the way in practical innovative ways for you and your dog to bond together throughtraining while having fun!

Pawfection dog training are THE ONLY dog training company trusted with 2 major City contracts. We have been partnered with the City of Winter Springs for over 8 years and started our new contract with the City of Oviedo on September 2nd 2023

Focusing on skills that you will ACTUALLY use in real life we help you and your dog reach levels of control that other companies can only dream of. Our Gold has the same standards as Police canines (without the bite work).

By combining obedience with agility you improve your dog’s ability to switch on and switch off, seamlessly transitioning from play and fun, to focused control and obedience when needed. This is essential when you are exercising your dog in everyday life.

Working on quality equipment designed to build confidence and trust your Saturday’s will never be the same again!

From 8 weeks to 10 years we welcome all shapes, sizes and breeds and you don’t have to be an agility champion to join, we adjust and arrange everything so that everyone can take part.

Our agility course is changed every week to provide new exciting challenges and to improve your communication with your dog and control. you would be surprised at some of the lazy schools that just leave the same old tired course out week after week after week, or those that lack the experience to incorporate the obedience so you just go around and around that tired old course like a sad forgotten rollercoaster from yesteryear!

Remember when you come to Pawfection you get a team of instructors with years of experience, an instructor who has an abundance of experience training Police dogs, not just in law enforcement skills but in obedience and control (ask other trainers if they offer that).
For a price comparison a Lake Mary Veterinary practice charges $180 for 6 weeks with no agility in a sterile room- (price correct at time of writing) At Pawfection you pay just $175 for obedience AND agility in our large open space training facilities on state of the art equipment! (We want you and your dog to have FUN while you are learning

Classes are as follows
Central Winds Park,
Hicks Avenue,
Winter Springs
(Temporarily under renovation)
Shane Kelley Bark Park
(use Google maps)
8am - Advanced 1 & 2
9am - Intermediate 1 & 2
10am - Beginners (over 8 months)
11am - Puppies under 8 months
11.15am - AKC CGC (obedience only)

Training works in blocks of 6 weeks. While it is better for you and your dog to attend for consecutive weeks we do understand that life does not always make that possible so 2 make up dates for pre-planned events are permitted on each 6 week period, unexpected absences will be compensated for if possible in subsequent 6-week courses attended.
PRICE: $175.00 (for a 6 week course)
additional $5 if paying by debit or credit card